Friday, September 18, 2009

Propecia: Ultimate Thinning Hair Treatment?

After trying all sorts of remedies or miracle hair growth formula, most people start contemplating drugs as their thinning hair treatment. One of this prescription drug said to be able to alleviate your problem is a drug known as Finasteride, better known commercially as Propecia. But is this the ultimate thinning hair treatment you are looking for?

Propecia works by inhibiting the production of DHT (dihydrotestorone) throughout the entire body. It works by preventing free testosterone from converting to DHT. DHT is responsible for destroying the scalp by shrinking the hair follicle and prevents hair growth. This drug is taken orally and once treatment began, you will see noticeable difference within 5 to 6 months. Clinical testing proven that this drug is particularly effective thinning hair treatment at the crown area and hairline.

Propecia however is very effective in curing male pattern baldness and totally useless if used by female. This drug has also been implicated in causing severe birth defects in male fetuses and not prescribed to women.

The Use of Propecia in thinning hair treatment means that the drugs has to be taken everyday and you will only see appreciable difference within 5 to 6 months of using the drug. However, once you stop taking the drugs, you will start losing hairs again. What this means is that you are becoming drug dependent. This is not the only negative side effect you will get from using propecia.

Side Effects Of Propecia

These are known side effects of using Propecia. Bear in mid that these side effects are only observed on 2% of Propecia users.
  • Decrease sexual drive
  • Decrease in volume ejaculate
  • Impotence
  • Breast Tenderness / Enlargement
  • Blackheads
  • Increased face skin oil
  • Acne problems
In most cases stopping the medication will resolve the issues.

When you are contemplating using drugs as you thinning hair treatment, do some research or better, go see your doctor and ask for their advice. Even though only 2% of propecia users are affected, do you want to take chances?

1 comment:

  1. very informative blog keep it up!
    A people these days who suffer from hair loss are usually so intent on searching a baldness cure prevention therapies, they will try almost anything. there are some more therapies such as herbal, hair transplantation and some hair retain pills. its hard to find a good one. I recommend medicated herbal shampoo.
